February Coffee Hour

“Caring for the Caregiver”

Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 10:45

February Coffee Hour

Thursday, February 20, 2025 @ 10:45 am

“Caring for the Caregiver”

with Robin Ennis,

Caregiver Resource & Information Specialist

 Are you a caregiver? Do you provide care for an aging parent, spouse, sibling, friend, neighbor, or a child with special needs? – Do you care for anyone with a mental illness, physical, or developmental disability? – Do you run errands such as picking up medication or groceries? Make meals or provide help with daily care or paying bills? Drive to or assist with scheduling doctor’s appointments? If so, you are a caregiver and may benefit from this free program.

Unpaid caregivers need assistance in finding information, education, resources, services, and support to help them sustain in their caregiving role. Caregiver burnout is real, and Robin is here to help mitigate some of the caregiver stressors by identifying needs and offering starting points. Too often caregivers know what they need, but don’t know where to start. You may need more education around a particular topic, or resources to assist you in caring for your loved one, or information and guidance on what services are available to you, or you may simply just need support and validation. You are not alone. Robin will provide you with resources and connect you to provider agencies.

Please email Lisa at happenings@srcnj.org to register for this program. All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served

Please register by emailing Lisa Here


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