Welcome to the SRC! 

Bringing seniors, their families and caregivers in our communities together for physical activity, mental stimulation, camaraderie, and fun, while providing timely and important information related to issues surrounding aging.

Welcome to the SRC!

The Senior Resource Center is comprised of caring people responding to societal changes that are challenging our senior citizens and the people who care for them.

Our guiding principles:

  • We provide assistance to people who are overwhelmed by the complexity of the issues and the challenges of aging by means of advocacy, support, information, education, training and referral
  • Our services are open to all people regardless of economic, social or religious background

What we do:

  • We are a clearing house for support and services available to seniors and caregivers in western Morris County
  • We provide compassionate listening and enable a supportive environment for seniors and caregivers
  • We advocate for seniors and their caregivers who are experiencing difficulty obtaining services and support
  • We provide a range of educational and training activities on a variety of issues confronting the aging population